8 Python Libraries You Must Know for Data Science

Learn about key Python libraries crucial for data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and web scraping.

Saartje Ly

Data Engineering Intern

August 14, 2024


Short for "Numerical Python", this library provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with many mathematical functions to operate on these arrays efficiently.

Core features

  • Arrays: ndarray is a versatile and efficient n-dimensional array object. It is more compact, faster, and can handle large datasets seamlessly unlike Python's built-in lists.

  • Mathematical Operations: Linear algebra, statistics, and Fourier transformations are some of the mathematical functions that NumPy offers to perform operations on arrays.

  • Broadcasting: NumPy is able to perform operations on different shaped arrays using this feature which would be difficult or impossible with regular Python lists.

  • Indexing and Slicing: Array data is accessed and modified using NumPy's powerful tools which can slice, index, and reshape arrays easily - allowing for efficient data manipulation.

Why use NumPy?

  • Performance: NumPy operates much faster than Python's built-in data structures for numerical tasks as it is implemented in C.

  • Memory Efficiency: NumPy arrays are more memory-efficient than Python lists, which is important when working with large datasets.

  • Foundation for Other Libraries: Understanding NumPy is essential to working with other tools which are built on top of NumPy such as Pandas, SciPy, and TensorFlow.

  • Compatibility: NumPy is a versatile tool for a wide range of applications as it integrates well with other parts of the Python ecosystem.


Built on top of NumPy, Pandas provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools, making it a crucial tool for data analysts, scientists, and anyone working with unstructured data.

Core features

  • Data Structures: Pandas includes series (a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type), and data frames (a two dimensional, size-mutable, and heterogeneous tabular data structure).

  • Data Manipulation: Pandas provides powerful tools for data cleaning, filtering and selection, merging and joining, grouping by, and reshaping data.

  • Data Analysis: Pandas is useful for data analysis in its descriptive statistics, time series analysis, and ability to handle large datasets.

  • Data Visualization: This library integrates well with Matplotlib, allowing you to create charts and plots directly from data frames and series.

  • File I/O Operations: Pandas supports writing to and reading from different file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, SQL databases, and more.

Why use Pandas?

  • Ease of Use: It has an intuitive and user-friendly API that allows users to perform complex data manipulations with just a few lines of code, simplifying many common data tasks.

  • Efficiency: Pandas is designed to be fast and efficient. It provides optimized performance for common data operations and handles large datasets effectively.

  • Versatility: This library can be used for data cleaning and preparation, to complex data analysis and visualization. It's applicable in various fields including finance, economics, social sciences, and more.

  • Integration: Pandas works smoothly with other Python libraries and tools commonly used in data science, such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn.


Matplotlib provides a comprehensive and flexible framework for creating a wide variety of plots and charts. It is one of the most widely used libraries in Python for making static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Plot Types: Many plot types are supported such as line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, histograms, pie charts, box plots, and more.

  • Customization: You can control almost every aspect of a plot, such as line styles, colors, markers, fonts, and labels. With this level of customization you can create publication-quality figures that are tailored to specific requirements.

  • Subplots and Layouts: You can create multiple plots in a single figure using subplots. There are also tools for controlling the layout of the plots, including adjusting spacing, aspect ratios, and positioning.

  • Interactive Plots: This library also supports interactive plots when used in conjunction with IPython or Jupyter notebooks.

  • Annotations and Text: This library provides extensive support for adding text, labels, and annotations to plots. You can label axes, add titles, insert legends, and place text annotations anywhere in the plot.

  • 3D Plotting: Matplotlib includes functionality for creating 3D plots.

  • Saving and Exporting Plots: You can save plots in various formats including PNG, PDF, SVG, and more.

Why use Matplotlib?

  • Versatility: Matplotlib is very versatile and can be used for a wide range of plotting needs.

  • Industry standard: Matplotlib is a very popular plotting library in Python - there is a large community, extensive documentation, and heaps of tutorials available.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: Matplotlib integrates well with other Python libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and Seaborn.

  • Flexibility and Control: You gain full control over every aspect of a plot, meaning you can create highly customized visualizations.


Built on top of Matplotlib, this library is specifically designed to make it easier to create attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Core features

  • Statistical Plots: Seaborn specializes in creating statistical plots that help visualize relationships, distributions, and trends in data. These include relational plots, distribution plots, categorical plots, and matrix plots.

  • Built-in Themes and Color palettes: It's easier to create professional-looking plots with the variety of built-in themes and colour palettes that Seaborn offers.

  • Built-in DataFrames Support: Seaborn is designed to work directly with pandas DataFrames - which makes it easy to plot data without needing to manually extract or manipulate the data.

  • Facet Grids: Seaborn can create facet grids, which are multiple plots based on subsets of the data. This is useful for visualizing complex datasets by creating small multiples that show relationships within subsets of the data.

Why use Seaborn?

  • Ease of use: Seaborn provides a high-level API for creating a wide range of statistical plots, making it easier to produce complex visualizations with less code compared to Matplotlib.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: There are attractive default themes and colour palettes automatically applied to plots which is particularly useful for creating presentations, reports, and publications.

  • Built for Statistical Analysis: Seaborn is specifically designed for statistical data visualization and is particularly useful where statistical plots are commonly used.

  • Integration with Pandas: Seaborn seamlessly integrates with pandas DataFrames, allowing for quick and easy visualizations directly from DataFrames without the need for extensive data preprocessing.


Often abbreviated as sklearn, Scikit-learn provides simple and efficient tools for data mining, analysis, and machine learning.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Machine Learning Algorithms: Scikit-learn includes a large variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. These include classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and model selection.

  • Preprocessing Tools: Various tools are provided for preprocessing such as standardization and normalization, imputation, encoding categorical variables, and feature extraction.

  • Model Evaluation and Selection: Scikit-learn offers tools for evaluating models, including metrics for classification, regression, and clustering. It also supports cross-validation techniques to assess model performance and prevent overfitting.

  • Pipelines: You can create machine learning pipelines, which streamline the process of applying a sequence of transformations and a final estimator.

  • Dimensionality Reduction: There are tools for reducing the number of features in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This is useful for reducing computational cost and improving model performance.

  • Model Persistence: You are able to easily save and load trained models using joblib or pickle.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: This library works seamlessly with other Python libraries with as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Why use Scikit-learn?

  • Ease of Use: Scikit-learn has a simple and consistent API design, making it easy to use and learn. The same interface is used across different machine learning algorithms, which helps in quickly experimenting with different models.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Scikit-learn provides a wide range of algorithms and tools that cover almost all standard machine learning tasks.

  • Reliable and Efficient: The algorithms implemented in this library are well-tested and optimized for performance.

  • Strong Community and Documentation: Scikit-learn has a large and active community, and its documentation is comprehensive and well-maintained.


Powerful and versatile, this open-source web crawling and scraping framework extracts data from websites.

Core features

  • Spider Framework: Scrapy is built around the concept of "spiders", which are classes that you define to specify how a website should be scraped.

  • Selectors and XPath/CSS: This library uses selectors to extract data from HTML and XML documents. Supporting both XPath and CSS selectors, you can easily navigate and extract the elements you need from a web page.

  • Item Pipeline: You can define a series of processing steps that are applied to the scraped data before it is stored. This could include cleaning the data, validating it, and saving it.

  • Middleware: You can customize the request and response processing, which is useful for tasks such as handling cookies, setting custom headers, managing proxies, and more.

  • Asynchronous Processing: Scrapy can handle multiple requests asynchronously. It can send multiple requests to different websites at the same time without waiting for each request to complete sequentially, meaning it is very fast and efficient.

  • Built-in Support for Handline Common Web Scraping Challenges: Scrapy comes with built-in support for handling redirects, following links, managing sessions, and more. It also has features for handling common challenges like dealing with JavaScript-heavy websites, handling forms, and managing pagination.

  • Exportin data: You are able to export the scraped data in various formats including JSON, CSV, XML, and more.

  • Extensibility: Scrapy is highly extensible, as in you can easily add your own functionality through custom middleware, pipelines, and spiders.

Why use Scrapy?

  • Efficiency and Speed: Scrapy is designed for performance. It can handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it faster than simple, sequential web scrapers.

  • Flexibility: You can customize how data is scraped, processed, and stored.

  • Handling Complex Web Scraping Tasks: Scrapy is particularly effective for complex web scraping tasks that involve following links, handling multiple pages, managing sessions, and dealing with data spread across multiple pages.

  • Ease of Use: The framework provides well-documented and clear APIs, making it accessible for beginners and experienced developers.


A popular Python library used for web scraping, specifically for parsing HTML and XML documents and extracting data from them.

Core features

  • HTML and XML Parsing: BeautifulSoup can parse HTML and XML documents, even if they are badly formatted or contain errors. A parse tree is created from the document, which allows for easy navigation and data extraction.

  • Navigating the Parse Tree: You can navigate the parse tree using methods that mirror the structure of the HTML document. You can search by tag names, CSS selectors, or even text content to find and extract specific elements.

  • Searching the Parse Tree: find() and find_all() are methods to search for tags that match specific criteria, like tag name, attributes, or text. You can also use CSS selectors with the select() method to find elements based on their classes, IDs, or other attributes.

  • Modifying the Parse Tree: You can modify the document by adding, removing, or altering elements.

  • Extracting Data: Once at the desired elements in the parse tree, BeautifulSoup makes it easy to extract data, such as text, attributes, or the entire contents of an element.

  • Handling Encodings: Character encodings are automatically handled, ensuring that the text you extract is in the correct format.

Why use BeautifulSoup?

  • Flexible Parsers: This library can use different parsers to process these documents, including Python's html.parser, lxml parser, and html5lib parser.

  • Powerful Search Capabilities: The library's searching capabilities are very powerful, making it easy to find specific elements in a document and extract the data you need.

  • Dealing with Poorly Formatted HTML: Poorly formatted HTML is handled and cleaned by BeautifulSoup.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: BeautifulSoup integrates well with other Python libraries such as requests for fetching web pages, lxml for fast parsing, and pandas for further data analysis.


An open-source machine learning and deep learning library which provides a large ecosystem for building, training, and deploying machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks.

Core features

  • Comprehensive Machine Learning Platform: This library is a machine learning platform that includes everything from data preprocessing and model building to training, evaluation, and deployment.

  • Eager Execution: TensorFlow 2.x introduced eager execution, which allows for immediate execution of operations without the need to build a computational graph first.

  • Wide Range of Pre-built Models and Tools: There are a variety of pre-built models such as TensorFlow Hub for reusable model components, TensorFlow Lite for mobile and embedded devices, and TensorFlow.js for running models in the browser with JavaScript.

  • Automatic Differentiation: There is an automatic differentiation engine called Autograd which computes gradients automatically.

  • Distributed Computing: Supports distributed computing, enabling the training of large models across multiple GPUs or even across multiple machines.

  • TensorBoard: TensorFlow comes with TensorBoard which is a tool for visualizing the training process - including metrics like loss and accuracy, model graphs, and histograms.

  • TensorFlow Extended: An end-to-end platform for developing production ML pipelines.

  • Model Serving with TensorFlow Serving: This is a flexible and high-performance system for serving machine learning models in production environments. Both real-time and batch prediction are supported, and it can be integrated with TensorFlow models easily.

Why use TensorFlow?

  • Versatility and Flexibility: This library can be used for a wide variety of ML tasks, from simple linear models to complex neural networks and beyond.

  • Scalability: TensorFlow is ideal for training large models on large datasets due to the support for distributed computing and the ability to scale across multiple GPUs and TPUs.

  • Keras Integration: TensorFlow includes Keras which provides layers, models, and optimizers - simplifying the process of building and training neural networks.

  • Cross-Platform: TensorFlow's support for various platforms means you can develop models once and deploy them across different environments, including clous, edge devices, and browsers.


Short for "Numerical Python", this library provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with many mathematical functions to operate on these arrays efficiently.

Core features

  • Arrays: ndarray is a versatile and efficient n-dimensional array object. It is more compact, faster, and can handle large datasets seamlessly unlike Python's built-in lists.

  • Mathematical Operations: Linear algebra, statistics, and Fourier transformations are some of the mathematical functions that NumPy offers to perform operations on arrays.

  • Broadcasting: NumPy is able to perform operations on different shaped arrays using this feature which would be difficult or impossible with regular Python lists.

  • Indexing and Slicing: Array data is accessed and modified using NumPy's powerful tools which can slice, index, and reshape arrays easily - allowing for efficient data manipulation.

Why use NumPy?

  • Performance: NumPy operates much faster than Python's built-in data structures for numerical tasks as it is implemented in C.

  • Memory Efficiency: NumPy arrays are more memory-efficient than Python lists, which is important when working with large datasets.

  • Foundation for Other Libraries: Understanding NumPy is essential to working with other tools which are built on top of NumPy such as Pandas, SciPy, and TensorFlow.

  • Compatibility: NumPy is a versatile tool for a wide range of applications as it integrates well with other parts of the Python ecosystem.


Built on top of NumPy, Pandas provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools, making it a crucial tool for data analysts, scientists, and anyone working with unstructured data.

Core features

  • Data Structures: Pandas includes series (a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type), and data frames (a two dimensional, size-mutable, and heterogeneous tabular data structure).

  • Data Manipulation: Pandas provides powerful tools for data cleaning, filtering and selection, merging and joining, grouping by, and reshaping data.

  • Data Analysis: Pandas is useful for data analysis in its descriptive statistics, time series analysis, and ability to handle large datasets.

  • Data Visualization: This library integrates well with Matplotlib, allowing you to create charts and plots directly from data frames and series.

  • File I/O Operations: Pandas supports writing to and reading from different file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, SQL databases, and more.

Why use Pandas?

  • Ease of Use: It has an intuitive and user-friendly API that allows users to perform complex data manipulations with just a few lines of code, simplifying many common data tasks.

  • Efficiency: Pandas is designed to be fast and efficient. It provides optimized performance for common data operations and handles large datasets effectively.

  • Versatility: This library can be used for data cleaning and preparation, to complex data analysis and visualization. It's applicable in various fields including finance, economics, social sciences, and more.

  • Integration: Pandas works smoothly with other Python libraries and tools commonly used in data science, such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn.


Matplotlib provides a comprehensive and flexible framework for creating a wide variety of plots and charts. It is one of the most widely used libraries in Python for making static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Plot Types: Many plot types are supported such as line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, histograms, pie charts, box plots, and more.

  • Customization: You can control almost every aspect of a plot, such as line styles, colors, markers, fonts, and labels. With this level of customization you can create publication-quality figures that are tailored to specific requirements.

  • Subplots and Layouts: You can create multiple plots in a single figure using subplots. There are also tools for controlling the layout of the plots, including adjusting spacing, aspect ratios, and positioning.

  • Interactive Plots: This library also supports interactive plots when used in conjunction with IPython or Jupyter notebooks.

  • Annotations and Text: This library provides extensive support for adding text, labels, and annotations to plots. You can label axes, add titles, insert legends, and place text annotations anywhere in the plot.

  • 3D Plotting: Matplotlib includes functionality for creating 3D plots.

  • Saving and Exporting Plots: You can save plots in various formats including PNG, PDF, SVG, and more.

Why use Matplotlib?

  • Versatility: Matplotlib is very versatile and can be used for a wide range of plotting needs.

  • Industry standard: Matplotlib is a very popular plotting library in Python - there is a large community, extensive documentation, and heaps of tutorials available.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: Matplotlib integrates well with other Python libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and Seaborn.

  • Flexibility and Control: You gain full control over every aspect of a plot, meaning you can create highly customized visualizations.


Built on top of Matplotlib, this library is specifically designed to make it easier to create attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Core features

  • Statistical Plots: Seaborn specializes in creating statistical plots that help visualize relationships, distributions, and trends in data. These include relational plots, distribution plots, categorical plots, and matrix plots.

  • Built-in Themes and Color palettes: It's easier to create professional-looking plots with the variety of built-in themes and colour palettes that Seaborn offers.

  • Built-in DataFrames Support: Seaborn is designed to work directly with pandas DataFrames - which makes it easy to plot data without needing to manually extract or manipulate the data.

  • Facet Grids: Seaborn can create facet grids, which are multiple plots based on subsets of the data. This is useful for visualizing complex datasets by creating small multiples that show relationships within subsets of the data.

Why use Seaborn?

  • Ease of use: Seaborn provides a high-level API for creating a wide range of statistical plots, making it easier to produce complex visualizations with less code compared to Matplotlib.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: There are attractive default themes and colour palettes automatically applied to plots which is particularly useful for creating presentations, reports, and publications.

  • Built for Statistical Analysis: Seaborn is specifically designed for statistical data visualization and is particularly useful where statistical plots are commonly used.

  • Integration with Pandas: Seaborn seamlessly integrates with pandas DataFrames, allowing for quick and easy visualizations directly from DataFrames without the need for extensive data preprocessing.


Often abbreviated as sklearn, Scikit-learn provides simple and efficient tools for data mining, analysis, and machine learning.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Machine Learning Algorithms: Scikit-learn includes a large variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. These include classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and model selection.

  • Preprocessing Tools: Various tools are provided for preprocessing such as standardization and normalization, imputation, encoding categorical variables, and feature extraction.

  • Model Evaluation and Selection: Scikit-learn offers tools for evaluating models, including metrics for classification, regression, and clustering. It also supports cross-validation techniques to assess model performance and prevent overfitting.

  • Pipelines: You can create machine learning pipelines, which streamline the process of applying a sequence of transformations and a final estimator.

  • Dimensionality Reduction: There are tools for reducing the number of features in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This is useful for reducing computational cost and improving model performance.

  • Model Persistence: You are able to easily save and load trained models using joblib or pickle.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: This library works seamlessly with other Python libraries with as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Why use Scikit-learn?

  • Ease of Use: Scikit-learn has a simple and consistent API design, making it easy to use and learn. The same interface is used across different machine learning algorithms, which helps in quickly experimenting with different models.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Scikit-learn provides a wide range of algorithms and tools that cover almost all standard machine learning tasks.

  • Reliable and Efficient: The algorithms implemented in this library are well-tested and optimized for performance.

  • Strong Community and Documentation: Scikit-learn has a large and active community, and its documentation is comprehensive and well-maintained.


Powerful and versatile, this open-source web crawling and scraping framework extracts data from websites.

Core features

  • Spider Framework: Scrapy is built around the concept of "spiders", which are classes that you define to specify how a website should be scraped.

  • Selectors and XPath/CSS: This library uses selectors to extract data from HTML and XML documents. Supporting both XPath and CSS selectors, you can easily navigate and extract the elements you need from a web page.

  • Item Pipeline: You can define a series of processing steps that are applied to the scraped data before it is stored. This could include cleaning the data, validating it, and saving it.

  • Middleware: You can customize the request and response processing, which is useful for tasks such as handling cookies, setting custom headers, managing proxies, and more.

  • Asynchronous Processing: Scrapy can handle multiple requests asynchronously. It can send multiple requests to different websites at the same time without waiting for each request to complete sequentially, meaning it is very fast and efficient.

  • Built-in Support for Handline Common Web Scraping Challenges: Scrapy comes with built-in support for handling redirects, following links, managing sessions, and more. It also has features for handling common challenges like dealing with JavaScript-heavy websites, handling forms, and managing pagination.

  • Exportin data: You are able to export the scraped data in various formats including JSON, CSV, XML, and more.

  • Extensibility: Scrapy is highly extensible, as in you can easily add your own functionality through custom middleware, pipelines, and spiders.

Why use Scrapy?

  • Efficiency and Speed: Scrapy is designed for performance. It can handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it faster than simple, sequential web scrapers.

  • Flexibility: You can customize how data is scraped, processed, and stored.

  • Handling Complex Web Scraping Tasks: Scrapy is particularly effective for complex web scraping tasks that involve following links, handling multiple pages, managing sessions, and dealing with data spread across multiple pages.

  • Ease of Use: The framework provides well-documented and clear APIs, making it accessible for beginners and experienced developers.


A popular Python library used for web scraping, specifically for parsing HTML and XML documents and extracting data from them.

Core features

  • HTML and XML Parsing: BeautifulSoup can parse HTML and XML documents, even if they are badly formatted or contain errors. A parse tree is created from the document, which allows for easy navigation and data extraction.

  • Navigating the Parse Tree: You can navigate the parse tree using methods that mirror the structure of the HTML document. You can search by tag names, CSS selectors, or even text content to find and extract specific elements.

  • Searching the Parse Tree: find() and find_all() are methods to search for tags that match specific criteria, like tag name, attributes, or text. You can also use CSS selectors with the select() method to find elements based on their classes, IDs, or other attributes.

  • Modifying the Parse Tree: You can modify the document by adding, removing, or altering elements.

  • Extracting Data: Once at the desired elements in the parse tree, BeautifulSoup makes it easy to extract data, such as text, attributes, or the entire contents of an element.

  • Handling Encodings: Character encodings are automatically handled, ensuring that the text you extract is in the correct format.

Why use BeautifulSoup?

  • Flexible Parsers: This library can use different parsers to process these documents, including Python's html.parser, lxml parser, and html5lib parser.

  • Powerful Search Capabilities: The library's searching capabilities are very powerful, making it easy to find specific elements in a document and extract the data you need.

  • Dealing with Poorly Formatted HTML: Poorly formatted HTML is handled and cleaned by BeautifulSoup.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: BeautifulSoup integrates well with other Python libraries such as requests for fetching web pages, lxml for fast parsing, and pandas for further data analysis.


An open-source machine learning and deep learning library which provides a large ecosystem for building, training, and deploying machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks.

Core features

  • Comprehensive Machine Learning Platform: This library is a machine learning platform that includes everything from data preprocessing and model building to training, evaluation, and deployment.

  • Eager Execution: TensorFlow 2.x introduced eager execution, which allows for immediate execution of operations without the need to build a computational graph first.

  • Wide Range of Pre-built Models and Tools: There are a variety of pre-built models such as TensorFlow Hub for reusable model components, TensorFlow Lite for mobile and embedded devices, and TensorFlow.js for running models in the browser with JavaScript.

  • Automatic Differentiation: There is an automatic differentiation engine called Autograd which computes gradients automatically.

  • Distributed Computing: Supports distributed computing, enabling the training of large models across multiple GPUs or even across multiple machines.

  • TensorBoard: TensorFlow comes with TensorBoard which is a tool for visualizing the training process - including metrics like loss and accuracy, model graphs, and histograms.

  • TensorFlow Extended: An end-to-end platform for developing production ML pipelines.

  • Model Serving with TensorFlow Serving: This is a flexible and high-performance system for serving machine learning models in production environments. Both real-time and batch prediction are supported, and it can be integrated with TensorFlow models easily.

Why use TensorFlow?

  • Versatility and Flexibility: This library can be used for a wide variety of ML tasks, from simple linear models to complex neural networks and beyond.

  • Scalability: TensorFlow is ideal for training large models on large datasets due to the support for distributed computing and the ability to scale across multiple GPUs and TPUs.

  • Keras Integration: TensorFlow includes Keras which provides layers, models, and optimizers - simplifying the process of building and training neural networks.

  • Cross-Platform: TensorFlow's support for various platforms means you can develop models once and deploy them across different environments, including clous, edge devices, and browsers.


Short for "Numerical Python", this library provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with many mathematical functions to operate on these arrays efficiently.

Core features

  • Arrays: ndarray is a versatile and efficient n-dimensional array object. It is more compact, faster, and can handle large datasets seamlessly unlike Python's built-in lists.

  • Mathematical Operations: Linear algebra, statistics, and Fourier transformations are some of the mathematical functions that NumPy offers to perform operations on arrays.

  • Broadcasting: NumPy is able to perform operations on different shaped arrays using this feature which would be difficult or impossible with regular Python lists.

  • Indexing and Slicing: Array data is accessed and modified using NumPy's powerful tools which can slice, index, and reshape arrays easily - allowing for efficient data manipulation.

Why use NumPy?

  • Performance: NumPy operates much faster than Python's built-in data structures for numerical tasks as it is implemented in C.

  • Memory Efficiency: NumPy arrays are more memory-efficient than Python lists, which is important when working with large datasets.

  • Foundation for Other Libraries: Understanding NumPy is essential to working with other tools which are built on top of NumPy such as Pandas, SciPy, and TensorFlow.

  • Compatibility: NumPy is a versatile tool for a wide range of applications as it integrates well with other parts of the Python ecosystem.


Built on top of NumPy, Pandas provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools, making it a crucial tool for data analysts, scientists, and anyone working with unstructured data.

Core features

  • Data Structures: Pandas includes series (a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type), and data frames (a two dimensional, size-mutable, and heterogeneous tabular data structure).

  • Data Manipulation: Pandas provides powerful tools for data cleaning, filtering and selection, merging and joining, grouping by, and reshaping data.

  • Data Analysis: Pandas is useful for data analysis in its descriptive statistics, time series analysis, and ability to handle large datasets.

  • Data Visualization: This library integrates well with Matplotlib, allowing you to create charts and plots directly from data frames and series.

  • File I/O Operations: Pandas supports writing to and reading from different file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, SQL databases, and more.

Why use Pandas?

  • Ease of Use: It has an intuitive and user-friendly API that allows users to perform complex data manipulations with just a few lines of code, simplifying many common data tasks.

  • Efficiency: Pandas is designed to be fast and efficient. It provides optimized performance for common data operations and handles large datasets effectively.

  • Versatility: This library can be used for data cleaning and preparation, to complex data analysis and visualization. It's applicable in various fields including finance, economics, social sciences, and more.

  • Integration: Pandas works smoothly with other Python libraries and tools commonly used in data science, such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn.


Matplotlib provides a comprehensive and flexible framework for creating a wide variety of plots and charts. It is one of the most widely used libraries in Python for making static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Plot Types: Many plot types are supported such as line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, histograms, pie charts, box plots, and more.

  • Customization: You can control almost every aspect of a plot, such as line styles, colors, markers, fonts, and labels. With this level of customization you can create publication-quality figures that are tailored to specific requirements.

  • Subplots and Layouts: You can create multiple plots in a single figure using subplots. There are also tools for controlling the layout of the plots, including adjusting spacing, aspect ratios, and positioning.

  • Interactive Plots: This library also supports interactive plots when used in conjunction with IPython or Jupyter notebooks.

  • Annotations and Text: This library provides extensive support for adding text, labels, and annotations to plots. You can label axes, add titles, insert legends, and place text annotations anywhere in the plot.

  • 3D Plotting: Matplotlib includes functionality for creating 3D plots.

  • Saving and Exporting Plots: You can save plots in various formats including PNG, PDF, SVG, and more.

Why use Matplotlib?

  • Versatility: Matplotlib is very versatile and can be used for a wide range of plotting needs.

  • Industry standard: Matplotlib is a very popular plotting library in Python - there is a large community, extensive documentation, and heaps of tutorials available.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: Matplotlib integrates well with other Python libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and Seaborn.

  • Flexibility and Control: You gain full control over every aspect of a plot, meaning you can create highly customized visualizations.


Built on top of Matplotlib, this library is specifically designed to make it easier to create attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Core features

  • Statistical Plots: Seaborn specializes in creating statistical plots that help visualize relationships, distributions, and trends in data. These include relational plots, distribution plots, categorical plots, and matrix plots.

  • Built-in Themes and Color palettes: It's easier to create professional-looking plots with the variety of built-in themes and colour palettes that Seaborn offers.

  • Built-in DataFrames Support: Seaborn is designed to work directly with pandas DataFrames - which makes it easy to plot data without needing to manually extract or manipulate the data.

  • Facet Grids: Seaborn can create facet grids, which are multiple plots based on subsets of the data. This is useful for visualizing complex datasets by creating small multiples that show relationships within subsets of the data.

Why use Seaborn?

  • Ease of use: Seaborn provides a high-level API for creating a wide range of statistical plots, making it easier to produce complex visualizations with less code compared to Matplotlib.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: There are attractive default themes and colour palettes automatically applied to plots which is particularly useful for creating presentations, reports, and publications.

  • Built for Statistical Analysis: Seaborn is specifically designed for statistical data visualization and is particularly useful where statistical plots are commonly used.

  • Integration with Pandas: Seaborn seamlessly integrates with pandas DataFrames, allowing for quick and easy visualizations directly from DataFrames without the need for extensive data preprocessing.


Often abbreviated as sklearn, Scikit-learn provides simple and efficient tools for data mining, analysis, and machine learning.

Core features

  • Wide Range of Machine Learning Algorithms: Scikit-learn includes a large variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. These include classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and model selection.

  • Preprocessing Tools: Various tools are provided for preprocessing such as standardization and normalization, imputation, encoding categorical variables, and feature extraction.

  • Model Evaluation and Selection: Scikit-learn offers tools for evaluating models, including metrics for classification, regression, and clustering. It also supports cross-validation techniques to assess model performance and prevent overfitting.

  • Pipelines: You can create machine learning pipelines, which streamline the process of applying a sequence of transformations and a final estimator.

  • Dimensionality Reduction: There are tools for reducing the number of features in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This is useful for reducing computational cost and improving model performance.

  • Model Persistence: You are able to easily save and load trained models using joblib or pickle.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: This library works seamlessly with other Python libraries with as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Why use Scikit-learn?

  • Ease of Use: Scikit-learn has a simple and consistent API design, making it easy to use and learn. The same interface is used across different machine learning algorithms, which helps in quickly experimenting with different models.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Scikit-learn provides a wide range of algorithms and tools that cover almost all standard machine learning tasks.

  • Reliable and Efficient: The algorithms implemented in this library are well-tested and optimized for performance.

  • Strong Community and Documentation: Scikit-learn has a large and active community, and its documentation is comprehensive and well-maintained.


Powerful and versatile, this open-source web crawling and scraping framework extracts data from websites.

Core features

  • Spider Framework: Scrapy is built around the concept of "spiders", which are classes that you define to specify how a website should be scraped.

  • Selectors and XPath/CSS: This library uses selectors to extract data from HTML and XML documents. Supporting both XPath and CSS selectors, you can easily navigate and extract the elements you need from a web page.

  • Item Pipeline: You can define a series of processing steps that are applied to the scraped data before it is stored. This could include cleaning the data, validating it, and saving it.

  • Middleware: You can customize the request and response processing, which is useful for tasks such as handling cookies, setting custom headers, managing proxies, and more.

  • Asynchronous Processing: Scrapy can handle multiple requests asynchronously. It can send multiple requests to different websites at the same time without waiting for each request to complete sequentially, meaning it is very fast and efficient.

  • Built-in Support for Handline Common Web Scraping Challenges: Scrapy comes with built-in support for handling redirects, following links, managing sessions, and more. It also has features for handling common challenges like dealing with JavaScript-heavy websites, handling forms, and managing pagination.

  • Exportin data: You are able to export the scraped data in various formats including JSON, CSV, XML, and more.

  • Extensibility: Scrapy is highly extensible, as in you can easily add your own functionality through custom middleware, pipelines, and spiders.

Why use Scrapy?

  • Efficiency and Speed: Scrapy is designed for performance. It can handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it faster than simple, sequential web scrapers.

  • Flexibility: You can customize how data is scraped, processed, and stored.

  • Handling Complex Web Scraping Tasks: Scrapy is particularly effective for complex web scraping tasks that involve following links, handling multiple pages, managing sessions, and dealing with data spread across multiple pages.

  • Ease of Use: The framework provides well-documented and clear APIs, making it accessible for beginners and experienced developers.


A popular Python library used for web scraping, specifically for parsing HTML and XML documents and extracting data from them.

Core features

  • HTML and XML Parsing: BeautifulSoup can parse HTML and XML documents, even if they are badly formatted or contain errors. A parse tree is created from the document, which allows for easy navigation and data extraction.

  • Navigating the Parse Tree: You can navigate the parse tree using methods that mirror the structure of the HTML document. You can search by tag names, CSS selectors, or even text content to find and extract specific elements.

  • Searching the Parse Tree: find() and find_all() are methods to search for tags that match specific criteria, like tag name, attributes, or text. You can also use CSS selectors with the select() method to find elements based on their classes, IDs, or other attributes.

  • Modifying the Parse Tree: You can modify the document by adding, removing, or altering elements.

  • Extracting Data: Once at the desired elements in the parse tree, BeautifulSoup makes it easy to extract data, such as text, attributes, or the entire contents of an element.

  • Handling Encodings: Character encodings are automatically handled, ensuring that the text you extract is in the correct format.

Why use BeautifulSoup?

  • Flexible Parsers: This library can use different parsers to process these documents, including Python's html.parser, lxml parser, and html5lib parser.

  • Powerful Search Capabilities: The library's searching capabilities are very powerful, making it easy to find specific elements in a document and extract the data you need.

  • Dealing with Poorly Formatted HTML: Poorly formatted HTML is handled and cleaned by BeautifulSoup.

  • Integration with Other Libraries: BeautifulSoup integrates well with other Python libraries such as requests for fetching web pages, lxml for fast parsing, and pandas for further data analysis.


An open-source machine learning and deep learning library which provides a large ecosystem for building, training, and deploying machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks.

Core features

  • Comprehensive Machine Learning Platform: This library is a machine learning platform that includes everything from data preprocessing and model building to training, evaluation, and deployment.

  • Eager Execution: TensorFlow 2.x introduced eager execution, which allows for immediate execution of operations without the need to build a computational graph first.

  • Wide Range of Pre-built Models and Tools: There are a variety of pre-built models such as TensorFlow Hub for reusable model components, TensorFlow Lite for mobile and embedded devices, and TensorFlow.js for running models in the browser with JavaScript.

  • Automatic Differentiation: There is an automatic differentiation engine called Autograd which computes gradients automatically.

  • Distributed Computing: Supports distributed computing, enabling the training of large models across multiple GPUs or even across multiple machines.

  • TensorBoard: TensorFlow comes with TensorBoard which is a tool for visualizing the training process - including metrics like loss and accuracy, model graphs, and histograms.

  • TensorFlow Extended: An end-to-end platform for developing production ML pipelines.

  • Model Serving with TensorFlow Serving: This is a flexible and high-performance system for serving machine learning models in production environments. Both real-time and batch prediction are supported, and it can be integrated with TensorFlow models easily.

Why use TensorFlow?

  • Versatility and Flexibility: This library can be used for a wide variety of ML tasks, from simple linear models to complex neural networks and beyond.

  • Scalability: TensorFlow is ideal for training large models on large datasets due to the support for distributed computing and the ability to scale across multiple GPUs and TPUs.

  • Keras Integration: TensorFlow includes Keras which provides layers, models, and optimizers - simplifying the process of building and training neural networks.

  • Cross-Platform: TensorFlow's support for various platforms means you can develop models once and deploy them across different environments, including clous, edge devices, and browsers.